1LOGISTICS ZURALSKI s.p. z o.o. operates in the broadly understood area of providing products and goods that facilitate transport and storage, with particular emphasis on the acquisition, promotion and service of plastic products and metal products.

The implemented Quality Management System complies with the ISO 9001: 2015 standard and guarantees the provision of the highest quality services. The staff has extensive experience and is very well essentially prepared.

Quality goals:
The President of the Company set the objectives of the Quality Management System policy with regard to its development and customer satisfaction. Objectives are evaluated during audits and during management reviews.
1. Delivery of goods in a reliable, professional, timely manner and in accordance with the client's requirements.
2. Caring for the Company's image.
3. Building mutual trust in dealing with the client through cooperation, protection of information and personal data as well as researching the clients' needs.
4. Assessing the identified external and internal factors, risks and requirements of interested parties.
5. Continuous improvement of the effectiveness of the Quality Management System.
6. Conducting activities while respecting the natural environment.

The presented Company Policy is known to all employees. Each employee is responsible for the quality of their work and is aware that it affects the effectiveness of the Company and customer satisfaction.